Monday, December 29, 2008
End of the Year
Jarrek and I have quickly learned that Weston is NOTHING like the other two kids. We never had to baby proof anything for Tatum and Keaton, they just didn't get into things. They were content playing with their own toys and staying out of trouble (as babies). Weston on the other hand has gotten into everything that he is not suppose to and he is only 7 months old! Lord help us! He is starting to pull up so that posses a whole new set of issues. He will crawl over to the TV stand and pull all of the PS3 and Wii cords off the shelf. He just crawled over to the shelf and turned off the movie we were watching. He is constantly attacking the cat, but surprisingly she doesn't mind. He has checked out every visible outlet in the living room area (don't worry they are all covered). I'm going to say that by the time he is 9 months old he will be walking!
Tonight I put him in his bed...he seemed tired. Well, I was wrong. Jarrek heard a funny noise on the monitor and went in to check on him. Weston was standing in the corner of his bed banging the monitor against his crib railing.
Tatum is now 6! I cant believe that my little girl is not a little girl anymore. We are having her party on Jan. 10. She wanted a sleep over, but I wasn't sure about having a bunch of 5 and 6 year olds sleeping over. I really didn't want to have to take anyone home at 1:00 in the morning. So, we are having a Pajama party. We will do all the sleepover activities and then when it is time to go to sleep...mommies and daddies come pick them up.
For her birthday, Jarrek and I got her a digital Dictaphone to record all her songs and stories. She has already recorded 20 songs/stories. We had to have a talk about what she could and couldn't record.
Keaton is very anxious for school to start back. I told him he could have a playdate with some of his friends. He has already come up with their activity...Nerf gun fight. They are all going to get a Nerf gun and run around and shoot each other. He has enough guns to arm a small army. Here is the run down (most of these he got for Christmas): a semi-automatic Nerf gun, a Star Wars dart gun, a dart gun shot gun, a Nerf gun rifle, and a Nerf gun pistol. Needless to say...Keaton likes Nerf guns.
Santa brought me a sewing machine that does embroidery! I am so excited to enter this new phase of my life ;-). I have already made a poodle skirt and matching purse for Tatum. Jarrek helped me embroider it. I also made her a bow to match.
Ok, now for the New Year's resolutions:
* Lose Weight!!! 20-30 pounds
* Stay organized (once I get organized)
* Write at least every other day
Things I've learned in 2008:
* It doesn't matter how big the baby is, I get fat when I'm pregnant
* Jarrek and I make pretty darn cute babies (there will be NO more)
* Keaton is a pretty awesome kid and knows alot more than he lets you know he knows
* Tatum is still an enthusiastic learner and is a great friend to those who are 'different'
* 1 baby is easier than 3
* Being a stay at home mom is hard work
* watching 4 and 5 year olds play an organized game of soccer is the best way to spend a Saturday morning
* Jarrek is an awesome husband (this was just reinforced this year...I already knew that)
* It's great to have great friends!
See yall in 2009!
Friday, December 26, 2008
We had our Christmas with the kids on Christmas was great! As you know Tatum asked for rocks from Santa...she got two bags of polished rocks and a box of 'learning' rocks. Jarrek and I got her a Geode. She was totally thrilled! Santa also brought her the My Little Pony Ponyville Roller coaster...another hit. Keaton got his dart gun...a massive, semi automatic dart gun. He also got a talking parrot that "passes gas". What was Santa thinking? Weston got a little music center which everyone enjoys. Jarrek got a remote helicopter and I got a sewing machine...we are both still learning how to use them.
On Christmas night we went to Houston and had Christmas with my family. It was kinda chaotic...4 babies under 7 months. Everyone had a good time and we got an awesome telescope from my Grandmother. The kids are so excited to look at the stars. Mom and Dad have to figure it our first.
Tomorrow is Tatum's birthday. I cant believe she is going to be 6!!!
That's all for now.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Vacuum Cleaner love
This past weekend, Tatum's dance class did a little recital at Central Park. It was to the song "I ain't getting nothing for Christmas". She did a great job. She is such a pro.
We also had Breakfast with Santa at our church. Santa asked them if they ever fought with each other...they were honest and said yes. He then asked who started the fights and they both pointed at each other and laughed.
In the car today, Tatum asked Jarrek and I "How do you get a boyfriend?" What?! We asked her why she wanted to know and she said she was just curious. There was alot of conversation about what a boyfriend means when you are 6 and what it means when you are 16. I was hoping I had another 5 or 6 years before I got asked those kinds of questions.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Keaton's class had a Thanksgiving feast that Weston and I attended. The class made Stone Soup and decorated the tables with handmade Thanksgiving items. It was really cute and Keaton thought it was cool that Mommy and Weston got to spend time with him and his friends.
For Thanksgiving we went to Marc's house. It was much easier for everyone to go to them than pack up stuff for three babies. Anyway, we all had a good time. Turkey was fried, food was eaten and lots of pictures were taken. Oh, and babies cried...what do you expect when there are 4 babies under 6 months old! Tatum and Keaton had a great time playing war in Uncle Marc and Aunt Stacy's backyard. I am sure the neighbors were wondering what was going on. The kids had made guns out of sticks and were running around the yard yelling "POW POW POW" at each other and anyone else who ventured out into the 'battlefield'.
One of our annual trips to Santa's Wonderland was made on Saturday after Thanksgiving. It was cold, but everyone had a great time. They got to see Santa and make their official requests. Neither list has changed! Although when Santa asked Keaton what he wanted he just looked at him and shrugged his shoulders. Then as Keaton was getting off Santa's lap he said very loudly and very quickly "a big dart gun". Mind you, he has been rehearsing what to say for about a month now. Santa just looked at him and smiled.
We have begun to decorate for Christmas! It is so much fun to see how excited the kids get when we bring out something new. Yesterday we were out front adding some items to the yard and the kids were helping (Weston helped by napping). If you have seen our yard you know that we have two of the saddest looking Magnolia trees EVER. One got knocked down and the other is just barely holden on. Well, Tatum and Keaton love to pull branches off and play with them. While Jarrek and I were decorating they pulled branches off and hammered them in random places all over the front yard. Why you might ask. I am not real sure! Maybe they thought it looked pretty. Now along with our festive lights we have Magnolia branches randomly sticking out of the ground all over the yard.
Weston is now crawling! AHHHH! He gets into everything. That little bugger is fast. It doesnt help that when ever he crawls under something, Tatum and Keaton just stand there and laugh. Weston thinks its funny.