Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Crazy, crazy kids

Weston is 4 months old today! Wow, it seems like only yesterday I was peeing on a baby stick...got that from Baby Mama :) Tonight Tatum asked Jarrek to video tape her singing and dancing. While we were watching the video, Tatum and Keaton were laughing hysterically and Weston was squealing right along with them. His personality is really starting to come out.

So, I often write about the kids adventures in their playhouse, well tonight I write again. This time they were not engineering anything, tonight they were decorators. They were playing so nicely and enjoying each other, we really didn't bother them too much, until we noticed they were coming in and out of the house quiet often. I decided I should go check and see what they were up to when Tatum asked for hand sanitizer, chap stick, toothburshes and lotion for the tree house. When I walked outside, I saw they had turned their playhouse into a 3 star hotel room. Mind you this playhouse is up off the ground, so they can see into the neighbors yard and the neighbors can see into the tree house. The kids had taken out pillows, blankets, books, color books, toy guns and various other toys. Tatum asked if I liked it and said that I should come up and look at the lovely view they had (a view into our neighbors yard). Keaton was peeking out the window with one of the guns, I can only guess waiting for some wild animal or bad guy to come sneaking up. They crack me up everyday with the crazy things they do.

Update on the cousins...all three babies are at home!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Where do they get these ideas?

Right now as I am typing (as I was typing...there were a few interruptions), Tatum and Keaton are outside 'building' an apple tree. So, they went outside to play which usually turns into some outrageous project. Next thing I know Tatum is carrying one of Jarrek's shovels to the back yard. I asked her what she was doing and was told building. A vision of someones toes or fingers being chopped off popped into my mind (I know...paranoid). So, she was asked to get Keaton's shovel, which is much smaller. Then she comes in, climbs up on the counter and gets an apple. She then instructs Keaton that they have to eat the apple to get the seeds so they can build their apple tree. Mom offers some assistance with this since it usually takes them about an hour to eat a whole apple. Seeds extracted, off they go to plant them. Tatum informs me that each day the tree will grow and we then we will have an awesome apple tree, which will help the world. Keaton was the worker horse and did exactly as he was 'told' by Tatum. So, if 5-10 years we will have a nice apple tree growing right in the middle of our yard.

Today was the first day of our new chore chart. Tatum did a great job and eagerly completed all her chores. Keaton on the other hand was a typical 4 year old boy...didn't really care!

Mom: Keaton do you want to finish your nighttime chores?
Keaton: Na
Mom: That means you wont get your tokens to trade for money. You can use that money to buy yourself a prize
Keaton: Na
Mom: Tatum is going to get all her tokens and get to buy herself something. Are you going to get upset?
Keaton: Na, you can do my chores.

I think he might still need some work on this whole chore thing. We will see how it goes on 'buy yourself something' day.

Weston is growing everyday. Can you believe he will be 4 months old tomorrow! He has some teeth coming in somewhere in that little mouth and attaches anything that comes near his mouth and I mean anything. I think, and you could say I am biased, but I think he is one of the three cutest babies I have ever seen!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Boobie trap

Today was kids Sunday at church so all the kids watched a puppet show during Sunday School. I asked Tatum and Keaton how the show as and their response was "AWESOME"! I asked for more details....
Mom: What was the show about?
Tatum: Oh just Bible stuff.
Keaton: Yeah
Mom: So, it was cool?
Tatum: Yeah, there were like 2 or 5 characters.
Keaton: Yeah
Tatum: She didnt even move her lips!
Keaton: Yeah. I drew you some pictures

Not to revealing. I am sure there was a story and a Bible lesson in there, but apparently my kids didnt get it.

My Little 'Engineers'

Tatum and Keaton were playing in Tatum's room and it was pretty quiet so I thought I would go check on them. Quiet usually equals destruction. That was partial true this time. They had made a "boobie trap" for the exterior door and were working on the other door. This boobie trap was basically anything that was movable in her room relocated and strategical stacked in front of the door so that if a bad guy tired to get in it would fall on them (their description). They could tell you why they choose the items they did and what would happen if each was moved. I hope they put their boobie trapping/engineering skills to good use in the future. I am scared that Weston might get suckered into being the bad guy so they can actually see their masterpieces in work.

We are starting a new chore chart system tomorrow. They both seemed very excited at the prospect of receiving 'treats' for completing their chores. We will see how long that last. Prayers that we can all keep up with it and that we all benefit from it.

Saturday, September 27, 2008


Today was Tatum and Keaton's first soccer games and boy are we exhausted!  Jarrek is coaching both teams and we were at the soccer fields from 8:30-12:00.  So, how did the games go?

This is the first year that any of these kids can play so they have never been on soccer field or played and organized game of soccer.  The opposing team however looked like little Beckhams...their coach is a little more competitive than we are.  So the game starts with our three players standing there and giggling with excitement.  The other team kicked off first, took the ball and ran all the way to make a goal.  Our team stood there!  Ok so they didn't really get the point yet.  Next, we kick off.  One of the players kicked the ball and then just stood there.  Again the other team took the ball all the way down the field and scored another goal.  Three new players came on the field so we are all thinking...."they have been watching so they will know to follow the ball".  Wrong.  It took our team a good 10 minutes till they actually looked like they were playing soccer.  I guess this weeks practice will be to FOLLOW THE BALL!
All the parents did get a good laugh and some awesome photos.  We could win $10,000!

Tatum's team is alittle different than Keaton's...there is only one player who has not played before.  Kids actually followed the ball and made goals!  When our opponents got there we realized that both teams had the same colored jersey.  Confusing.  So our team had to turn ours inside out.  Tatum's team is called Green lighting and the opponents were the Highlighters...our jersey are an obnoxious fluorescent yellow/green color.  Tatum did really well.  I think she made a few goals.  

Weston does not like soccer!  He was very unhappy most of the time we were there so I missed  some of each game.  Hopefully next week I will get some good photos to post.

We are going to Houston this evening to eat with the family.  Uncle Russell, Aunt Jill, Jeff and his girlfriend came to visit and see the new babies.  We are all excited because Celia came home yesterday!  If you want to check them out, Marc and Stacy have a website: www.thehugheszoo.com

Friday, September 26, 2008

What happend to the week

WOW...I dont know what happened to this week, but I haven't posted since Tuesday. :-( So what that means is there were some cute/silly things that happened that my mind has now forgotten. Oh well, life goes on.

So the triplets now all have names...Wyatt Alan, Celia Mae, Annalee Cora. Tatum and Keaton are super excited to get to meet their new cousins. Weston has already started 'acting' out, knowing he is no longer the baby in the family.


Tatum found a little notebook of mine that I dont use anymore and converted it into her secret notepad. Every time I look at her she is writing something in it and wont share. I might have to sneak in and read it while she is sleeping. At dance tonight while all the other girls were changing shoes, getting water and using the restroom Tatum was writing in on her note pad. Maybe she's working on new lyrics for her songs.

She is doing so good at dance and really loves her dance teachers. It is harder work than she expected. When she gets home she tells me her legs hurt from all the work.

We usually take Jarrek's Vette home from dance (he meets us there after school and takes the boys home). As we were leaving today, we had a little audience watching to see whose car it was. When we got in the car, Tatum asked why all those people were staring at her. Sadly I had to tell her they were staring at the car not her. She then told me "we are not taking daddy's car anymore to dance, I dont like all those people staring at my car". Watch out daddy, she has already laid claim to the Vette.

Keaton took his Power Ranger mask for show and tell today and was convinced that when he put it on, the other kids wouldn't know it was him .

Weston is now teething so his fingers have become his best friend. He is constantly sucking on his fingers and then wiping his slobbery hands on Tatum or Keaton.


Tatum and Keaton had soccer practice today. Wow, a bunch of 4-6 year olds running around kicking balls. I asked Keaton if he was excited about his first game on Saturday. His response...Oh yeah, I'm gonna make a bunch of goals. He then started complaining that someone took his ball so I told him at the game there would only be one ball to play with. He didnt like that...how was he going to make his goals if someone kept trying to take his ball. We'll see how that goes on Saturday.

Keaton got to watch Stars Wars: Revenge of the Sith. He is obsessed with Darth Vader and keep constantly asking when was Darth Vader coming. I dont really think he even watched the movie until Darth Vader showed up.


On Friday's Keaton doesnt have school so we have to keep him entertained all day...not an easy task. Jarrek took him to the mall to get somethings from the Aggie store and then to get new shoes. He only wanted the 'air' shoes or shoes that make him jump high.

Tatum was the queen of the day today! We have been waiting for this day 'all year'. The king was a little boy in her class, Thomas. Mom asked her about him and her response was "he's a fat little boy". What? She also told me she was so proud of him (Thomas) cause he wrote his name all by himself today and she said it with such joy.

Weston has become extremely vocal. He 'yells' at the fan, squeals at the kids, and talks to his toy elephant. He is really starting to show his personality.

Jarrek and I went to David Gardner's tonight for JL Charity Ball preview party. SO much fun! I got to try on pretty expensive, jewelry.

Whew! I will remember to write every night. See I told you my memory is going ;-(

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Halloween shopping

Today we took the kids to get their Halloween costumes. Jarrek and I tried our hardest to get them to choose the unconventional costumes...skeleton rocker girl, mysterious phantom etc. We let them try on all the scary and silly masks, showed them all the cool costumes and picked out several cool and unusual costumes. Sadly we came home with the two most commercialized costumes in existence...Hannah Montana and a Power Ranger. I wonder what their reactions will be on Halloween night when they see billions of Hannahs and Power Rangers?

Tatum has already started practicing her songs so she can truly become Hannah Montana for one night. Keaton has perfected the Power Ranger moves and is constantly looking for bad guys to try them on. Weston wanted nothing to do with the whole Halloween costume thing. We tired one costume on him and he screamed at the top of his lungs...I guess he will be going as a baby.

Show and Tell
Tomorrow Keaton has show and tell at his school. I always love to hear what he would like to take...tonight it was 'rain'. He also informed me that one of his friends brought their eyeball for show and tell. The minds of 4 year olds...silly, silly.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sunday happenings

Today was the first annual CUMC Family picnic and Olympic games. Fancy title for hamburgers with friends and a softball game :). Any-who the day started as most Sundays do...Keaton asking if we were going to 'play church', Tatum arguing about everything and Weston fussing as we pull out of our driveway.
Tatum announced on the short drive to the church that she wants to go to college to write and sing songs. She does 'write' some very interesting songs, but I don't think they really have much mass appeal. Some of her song topics include football (a song describing step by step what a football game looks like), baseball (same content as football only with baseball), friends (just a random song about how to make friends and who hers are)...not really top 10 hits. Jarrek and I are planning on getting her a Dictaphone for Christmas so that others may partake in the beauty of a 5 year old's song writing ability.

Jarrek and I started a new study in Sunday school...How to Raise Rock solid kids in a Pleasure Driven World. I am ready to soak it all in.

Next we were on to the picnic. Pretty unadventurous...the kids played and the adults talked. Keaton did fall flat on his back from a zip-line and got the wind knocked out of him. Tatum and Keaton were both very confused as to how the 'wind got knocked out' of him.

When we finally got home everyone was exhausted, except of course Weston who had a nap at the picnic. We all relaxed and then it was back to normal. Tatum and Keaton were playing with a flag and whack, Tatum was hit. She now has a lovely little bumped on her head which is hidden by her hair, but you know Tatum...she simply can't go to school with a 'huge' bump on her head, what will people think.

What about yesterday...Keaton wanted to know why the bears on the movie "Country Bears" were not trying to eat the people on the movie. I had to explain that they were just people dressed up as bears, but I am not sure he is convinced.
Tatum has now decided to write her name in "cursciv" so that all the letters are attached and surprisingly, it looks pretty good.

OH...we have a name for one of the Triplets...Wyatt Alan. Still waiting on the girls names.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Worker bees

I think Tatum and Keaton are going to build a ship and sail away one day. They are constantly wanting wood and "hammer nails" to build some important contraption. We have one of those wooden crappy play sets in the yard. When we cut down the trees we moved it and it hasn't been completely rebuilt yet. Today the kids decided they wanted to get in the look-out house, but there was not ladder for them to climb. Tatum asked for nails and a hammer so they could get up. They had work out a plan...attach a rope to the top with nails and climb up the rope. When that plan was halted they began to search for wood so they could build their own ladder. Jarrek has promised a trip to the hardware store to buy them their own wood and supplies so they can build what they want. I will keep yall posted on their work. Who knows what they will create.

Tatum is lovin school. There are days when she dreads going, but only because (her words) "she can't make it with out me". Made my heart melt when she told me that.

Keaton is also lovin his school. His teachers are awesome! He calls it 'church Kindergarten'. My hope is this will get him ready for real Kindergarten next year. The only problem he has had is the shovels on the playground. I have not seen these shovels, but they must be pretty special. He tells me everyday whether he got to play with the shovel or not.

Weston is growing like a weed...he is already 3 1/2 months old. He is constantly chewing on his hands and talking to the ceiling fan, his best friend. Yesterday he talked to fan for about half an hour.
Today we gave him some rice cereal and he ate it like a pro. He attached the spoon anytime it came near his mouth.
He now recognizes Tatum and Keaton's voices and gets very excited when they get home from school.

Everyday is filled with surprises and new adventures.

New family members

Marc and Stacy had their babies today...2 girls, 1 boy.  We are STILL waiting on the names.  They better be good ;-).  Tatum and Keaton are super excited to have new cousins.  Tatum is extra happy that she is not longer the only girl.  I'm not sure how long the excitement will last...probably until she realizes that she will no longer be in the spotlight.  Keaton is happy that there is another boy to play with.  I hope the baby is tough, cousin Keaton can be rough.  Weston is sad he is no longer the 'baby', but will be happy in a few years when he has three other kids to blame.  

Why I did this

I decided today that I should start a blog/journal.  Why you might ask.  Well, I have come to realize that I have the WORST memory in the world.  I guess I am just getting old.  Maybe I should start taking Gingko or something, but then I probably wouldnt remember to take it...no good.  With three kids there are things that I would love to share with my family and friends, but when I finally get to talk to an adult I usually cant remember the funny things that happened so here is where my 'memory' will be...this blog.  Hopefully I will remember to write something everyday :)