Thursday, December 4, 2008


I haven't posted in so long! Right now I feel like POOP...I hate allergies. So, this will be short and sweet. More to come later

Keaton's class had a Thanksgiving feast that Weston and I attended. The class made Stone Soup and decorated the tables with handmade Thanksgiving items. It was really cute and Keaton thought it was cool that Mommy and Weston got to spend time with him and his friends.

For Thanksgiving we went to Marc's house. It was much easier for everyone to go to them than pack up stuff for three babies. Anyway, we all had a good time. Turkey was fried, food was eaten and lots of pictures were taken. Oh, and babies cried...what do you expect when there are 4 babies under 6 months old! Tatum and Keaton had a great time playing war in Uncle Marc and Aunt Stacy's backyard. I am sure the neighbors were wondering what was going on. The kids had made guns out of sticks and were running around the yard yelling "POW POW POW" at each other and anyone else who ventured out into the 'battlefield'.

One of our annual trips to Santa's Wonderland was made on Saturday after Thanksgiving. It was cold, but everyone had a great time. They got to see Santa and make their official requests. Neither list has changed! Although when Santa asked Keaton what he wanted he just looked at him and shrugged his shoulders. Then as Keaton was getting off Santa's lap he said very loudly and very quickly "a big dart gun". Mind you, he has been rehearsing what to say for about a month now. Santa just looked at him and smiled.

We have begun to decorate for Christmas! It is so much fun to see how excited the kids get when we bring out something new. Yesterday we were out front adding some items to the yard and the kids were helping (Weston helped by napping). If you have seen our yard you know that we have two of the saddest looking Magnolia trees EVER. One got knocked down and the other is just barely holden on. Well, Tatum and Keaton love to pull branches off and play with them. While Jarrek and I were decorating they pulled branches off and hammered them in random places all over the front yard. Why you might ask. I am not real sure! Maybe they thought it looked pretty. Now along with our festive lights we have Magnolia branches randomly sticking out of the ground all over the yard.

Weston is now crawling! AHHHH! He gets into everything. That little bugger is fast. It doesnt help that when ever he crawls under something, Tatum and Keaton just stand there and laugh. Weston thinks its funny.

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