Monday, November 24, 2008

Santa wishes

The other day I asked the kids what they were going to ask Santa to bring them for Christmas...Santa has to get shopping. Keaton's request I already knew...a new Nerf gun that shoots lots of darts, a Star Wars dart gun, a Light Saber, and a Dinosaur village. 
Tatum's on the other hand was a little unexpected...for my family to be safe, and for something from far away like Hawaii and not from College Station. What? How is 'Santa' suppose to fill that list? I told her she could ask for a toy like the Ponyville Roller coaster she wanted. Her response, "I already added that to my list online. I guess if I get another one I can tape pictures to one of them so they don't look the same. I know, I could ask Santa for rocks for my collection. He travels all over the world, like to Hawaii and Africa. He could bring me rocks from all over the world. That's what I want." OK. Now 'Santa' has to figure out how to get rocks from Hawaii and Africa.  

Friday, November 21, 2008

Shrieks and nails

I haven't 'blogged' in many days, not because nothing has happened (are you kidding me, have you meet my kids) but because I haven't had time. Sometimes I wonder where the time goes. Do I live in one of those Science Fiction Worm holes where time goes faster than the rest of the world? Are my clocks broken and making the time go faster? Did I pass out or lose conscientiousness for hours?

Anyho,Tatum and Keaton just crack me up some times. The other day Tatum was wearing a shirt with a cheetah print on it. Her and Keaton wanted to play super heroes so logically she was the all powerful "Kitty Girl". Keaton was wearing a blue shirt so he became the mighty "Water boy". They figured out rather quickly that "Kitty Girl" and "Water Boy" were no match for the bad guys. So their names were changed to "Cheetah Girl" and since Keaton likes to be just like his sister, "Cheetah Boy". They ran around the room with cheetah speed and clawed the bad guys with their 'claws of steel'. Weston was fascinated with their playing and would squeal when they were by him. Squeal...well actually it is more of a shriek. Weston started just a few days ago, belting out these ear piercing, goose bump giving shrieks. He is not in pain or upset, just shrieking. The first few times we laughed hysterically. Then we just giggled, now we hold our ears and beg for him to stop. Keaton tells Weston he is being annoying. Tatum looks at him sternly and says 'no'. Weston just shrieks louder, thrilled that they are paying attention to him. I try to tell them to ignore him, but they can only take so much. It does draw some eyes at restaurants, the grocery store and at school. I think it's cute, Jarrek thinks he sounds like a girl. Hopefully it's just a phase and he will 'talk' normal soon (insert fingers crossed).

Today the kids went to my parents for the weekend so I picked Tatum up early from school. She has been asking for days if she could paint her finger nails. Since she doesn't have school tomorrow, I said sure. Picture it...a 5 year old with three colors of nail polish and a great imagination. She finished her masterpiece and looked at me with those big brown eyes..."Mom can I paint yours?" YIKES! I now have very interesting fingernails and toenails and no nail polish remover. Good thing I'm going to the salon tomorrow. Meanwhile, Keaton is fixing my hair. He has manged to put every single clipy and bow Tatum has in my hair. I was instructed to leave it forever or until Ma and Pa get here. I'll take the latter. So, Ma and Pa get here and admire my hair and nails. I helped them out to the car and caught a glimpse of myself in the window...SCARY! The whole time I was putting the kids in the car, I wished no one I knew would drive by and see my hair. I manged to escape public viewing!

Friday, November 14, 2008


Whew I haven't posted in a few days! So here it goes...catchin up!

Weston is now extremely mobile. He rolls all over the place! He has gotten himself stuck under the couch a few times. He has also started pushing up on his hands and knees. Not much happens, except some rocking, but it's a start. He is also sitting up without support, a little wobbly, but still pretty good. I'll post some pictures of these accomplishments.

Everyday Keaton surprises me with some witty comment. He has developed such a great sense of humor. I really think that his teachers have helped him grow so much! Keaton is really learning a lot and I am so proud of how much he is growing.
He has gotten in the habit of wanting to take 'sumpthin' everywhere we go. Usually it is a Ninja Turtle or a toy car, but every now and then he surprises us by choosing something like a stuffed hamster.

Friday, Tatum's school had a 50's sing-a-long. All the kids dressed in their 50's attire and the parents went to watch them sing the classics - "How much is that doggy in the window", "Yakity Yak" etc. She had so much fun learning the songs and getting to dress up.
We got her report card on Friday. She is doing Great! Her reading is really improving and she is on her way to being a 'reader'.
Whenever she is asking how to spell a word, Keaton asks "How come Tatum knows how to read and spell everything?" This is really the first time he has shown any interest in learning to read. They are always asking how to spell things or 'spelling' words then asking "What did that spell?" Usually Keaton's word is just a random chain of letters, but sometimes he will actually spell a real word and he gets to excited.

Last night, Mom and Dad took Tatum and Keaton to watch the Brenham Cubs play at Kyle field. The kids were so excited! They made posters to hold up at the game. Keaton was excited to go the Kyle Field. When they got home last night, they were exhausted and cold...the wind was blowing really hard.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Snackin' on the Mayflower

On Sunday, Keaton and I went to Kroger to get a few things. He was very worried when he saw that all the trees had nets on them and that the birds could not get to the tree to eat. I showed him that there were other trees near by that the birds could get to. Relived he began pointing out all the 'free' trees that the birds could use. As we pulled on to the feeder headed home he looked out the window and exclaimed, "Look at all the free trees! The birds can eat from those. And when all the trees are used up in this state and in Africa, the birds can come to College Station to use our trees. WE got a lot of them." So let the birds know!

They are talking about Thanksgiving at Keaton's school and when I picked him up he told me all about the Mayflower and how the people sailed a long way. To show me how far they sailed he held up his hands and spread them really far apart..."They sailed like this long mom!" He then asked if he could eat the Mayflower for snack when we got home. I'm not real sure how well he was paying attention.

Friday, November 7, 2008

New Slide Show

I just added a new slide show! I added some old photos of Tatum and Keaton for your enjoyment. Take a look and tell me if you think Weston and Keaton look alike :-).

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Do you wanna be a turkey?

On the ride home from school yesterday, Keaton announced....

"I don't wanna be a turkey, they stuff you and bake you. I don't wanna be a turkey, they stuff you and bake you."

The ride home only takes maybe 10 minutes. Those 10 minutes can seem like and hour when your 4 year old is singing these words over and over and over again. I kept asking him, "is there another part of the song? Are there more words to the song than that?", but the only response I got was, "I don't wanna be a turkey, they stuff you and bake you." I guess the answer is NO. Weston enjoyed the song. When ever there was a momentary break, he would squeal for more. Keaton was thrilled that Weston was enjoying himself which was probably the driving force for the repetition. I, on the other hand, now have this little ditty stuck in my head and annoy myself with it! Well at least it's better than the song.

Tatum had dance and we had errands to run. So, we decided to drop her off and come back and get her when dance was over. I had to reassure her multiple times that we would not leave her sitting there waiting for us at the end of dance. There were many kisses blown and "I love you's" before I walked out the door. I think it was good for her though. Tatum realized that she could go the whole dance class with out me sitting in the waiting room. I think she was actually proud of herself!

Jarrek wants Tatum to take a Hip Hop class next semester. So, right now she is trying decide between soccer and a hip hop/drill class. I'm not sure what her little brain is thinking, but she has until next week to make a decision. We think she would really like the hip hop class, but arent sure about dance two days a week. I dont want to become one of 'those' parents.

Her dance class will be performing at the Central park Christmas celebration on Friday, Dec. 5 around 7:00. She would be thrilled to have a private cheering section (wink wink). So, if you're available come out and join in the fun.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008


At Tatum's school they have been talking about the election and even held a mock-election. She would come home from school and tell us that we were going to be voting for the President and it was very important. As she left for school this morning, she marched out the door chanting, "McCain for President, McCain for President."

This evening as we were watching the voting results, she very sadly said, "Well, it looks like Bearik Obama is going to win" and then sighed. (Yes I know how to spell his name, that is what she called him). I put her to bed and again she said, "Mom, it looks like Obama's gonna win the President." I told her we would know for sure when she got up in the morning and a little light of hope sparked in her eyes!

As we were watching the results, Keaton was sitting on my lap. He kept saying, "George Bush, George Bush." He's a little late for that one!

Weston has started pushing up on his hands and knees! It was exciting, but also a little scary. Tatum and Keaton aren't ready for a crawler yet. Weston does roll around the living room, but doesn't move very fast.

The Weekend

This past Sunday we went to Houston to see the triplets...Celia, Annalee and Wyatt. Tatum and Keaton were very excited to meet them all and hold their cousins. It's amazing how quickly babies grow. Annalee now weighs 7 lbs. 1 oz (what Weston weighed when he was born), Celia weighs 8 lbs. 13 oz (Keaton weighed 8 lbs. 13.5 oz when he was born) and Wyatt weighs 8 lbs. 5 oz. When I held them, it was so hard to remember my kids being so tiny, but they were. I can't wait until Christmas when Weston is 7 months old and they are 3 months old. Oh, what about next Christmas when Weston is 18 months old and the triplets are 15 months old! Oh, boy that is going to be FUN.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

A day

Today (saturday) was a pretty uneventful day. The, then resting. Although this morning both kids games were at 9:00. So, I stayed and watched Keaton and Jarrek coached Tatum's team. Just imagine this...6 five year olds at 9:00 in the morning, the morning after Halloween trying to focus on playing soccer. Do you think there may have been a few issues? Well, there were! They were all coming down off their sugar highs. It was a pretty good game though.

Tatum was worried that she was going to get her tooth knocked out at her game. See, last night she was playing with one of Keaton's Batman toys and for some reason she bite it. I heard a scream and then she just sat there saying "mom come quick, mom, mom, mom". As you know she can be a little bit dramatic so I didn't jump right up and run to her. I finally went to see what the problem was and she told me she had moved her tooth. Well, it is now loose. The tears dried up real quick when I told her she had her first loose tooth (although it isn't really suppose to be loose). She was so excited! Tatum has wanted to loose her teeth since she was 4. I'm not really sure why, but now she feels more 'grown up'.

I am happy to report that after the game her tooth was still intact.

Keaton is still a little freaked out from Halloween. He refuses to go into a room if it is dark and won't go anywhere unless someone goes with him. He is even scared of the our Halloween grave yard that he helped put up!