Monday, March 9, 2009

Watch and learn

Weston is constantly watching the kids, picking up on everything they do. Sometimes that's good, sometimes it's bad. He LOVES his big brother and every time Keaton comes into the room Weston just gets so excited. Weston rolls around on the floor with Keaton, climbs on him, 'screams' with him and does just about everything Keaton does. He plays differently with Tatum, but still watches her intently. I think he know she is 'teaching' him different things than Keaton is.

This evening, Tatum, Weston and I were in Tatum's room reading. Tatum was reading her daily reader and Weston was crawling around playing. The next thing I know he is in her bathroom. Weston had climbed up on her stool, grabbed her toothbrush (which he had to really reach for) and was 'brushing' his teeth. He look so proud when I looked at him.

Here are the pictures.