Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Here We are!

The Hartsell's are still here!! Mommy has been a slacker. It seems like the last bit of April and the beginning of May have flown by. I have been super busy with Junior League, but that's over and now I am going to get back to writing more often. So here is what has happened over the last several weeks (as best as I can remember)...

Tatum and Keaton finished up their Soccer season and we are all excited to have our Saturdays back. Tatum is ready for the next season to start. Keaton has decided that Soccer is not for him and he would like to try Football...tackle Football. We sign him up next week. There is some excitement and some hesitation on my part.

Weston is no longer a 'baby' :-(. He is starting to walk and took 2 steps last night without any support!! He doesn't want to be cuddled anymore and would rather be on the floor wrestling with the cat or Keaton.
Weston has a pretty good vocabulary for only being 1. He can say...dada, dog, hi, bye, mama, night night and a few other words that of course only mommy can understand ;-)

Last week, we watched our nephew Brody (he's almost 2) for 5 days. The kids had a great time playing with him and helping out. I enjoyed having him here, but it confirmed my thoughts that 'I should not have anymore kids'. Not that we were thinking of it, but I think I would go crazy if we did. Brody was so good and really had fun. By the time his stay was over, Weston was ready to have him mommy back to himself. Jealousy reared it's ugly head a few times during Brody's stay.

Keaton had his 5th Birthday yesterday!! What happened to the time? It seems like only yesterday he was just a little toddler. He is super excited to be going to Kindergarten next year.