Tuesday, August 4, 2009

We own it!

Yesterday was Jarrek's first day as the OFFICIAL owner of the stores. For those that don't know, Jarrek, his brother and my brother purchased three liquor stores in BCS (The Cork). Right now they are still operating as that, but will soon change the name to Whiskey Charlie's. So...if yall are in town and in need to some refreshing beverages, stop on by.
It has been a hectic few weeks with Jarrek getting everything prepared for the purchase and running of the stores. The kids and I are really having to do some adjusting to daddy being gone. All in all we are doing good.

Mom and Dad came to town last week and we all went School clothes shopping. It was so fun to see how excited the kids got about picking out school clothes. Weston even got an outfit or two.

We went yesterday to Target and got backpacks and lunch boxes. I decided to spend a little more on their backpacks this year in hope that by Christmas they would still be in working order. Last year, both of their backpacks had broken zippers by Christmas break!

The kids have decided to take a break from Soccer for the Fall. I had mixed emotions about it, but they were excited to try new things. Tatum will be taking two dance classes...Ballet/Tap/Jazz class and Leaps & Turns class. We are signing Keaton up for "Ninja Class". I hope he's not disappointed when he walks in on the first day and no one is wearing a black ninja suit with mask. We'll see how this goes!

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