Monday, November 24, 2008

Santa wishes

The other day I asked the kids what they were going to ask Santa to bring them for Christmas...Santa has to get shopping. Keaton's request I already knew...a new Nerf gun that shoots lots of darts, a Star Wars dart gun, a Light Saber, and a Dinosaur village. 
Tatum's on the other hand was a little unexpected...for my family to be safe, and for something from far away like Hawaii and not from College Station. What? How is 'Santa' suppose to fill that list? I told her she could ask for a toy like the Ponyville Roller coaster she wanted. Her response, "I already added that to my list online. I guess if I get another one I can tape pictures to one of them so they don't look the same. I know, I could ask Santa for rocks for my collection. He travels all over the world, like to Hawaii and Africa. He could bring me rocks from all over the world. That's what I want." OK. Now 'Santa' has to figure out how to get rocks from Hawaii and Africa.  

1 comment:

kaylynrenee said...

I have to admit, I'm getting worried here... you haven't posted in awhile. I'm hoping that everything is okay and looking forward to your return!