Sunday, January 4, 2009

Do I drink it?

Today at church Tatum went to Big House (kids church). It was communion Sunday so they took communion there. When we go in the car after church we asked her how Big House was. This is how it went:

Tatum: We got bread and then there was this big glass of red drink. I think it was wine.

Mom: Oh you took communion?

Tatum: Yeah. I didnt know what to do so I was like 'do I drink it?' and reached for the glass and then they told me just to dip my bread in there. I was so embarrassed.

Mom and Dad: Oh (by this time we were laughing, which we shouldn't have done, but come was just so funny)

Tatum: (crying) I didnt know what to do! I wanted to cry.

She is so emotional. We explained that now she knows and that is how you learn to do new things. She would be totally devastated if she knew I put this on here, but when she grows up it will one of those times she will look back on and laughs (just like mom and dad did).

1 comment:

Kara said...

That's AWESOME! And a very good question...why can't we have some to drink?