Monday, January 12, 2009

Girls gone crazy

On Saturday night Tatum had her 6th Birthday party...a 1/2 sleepover. We did everything that you do at a sleepover except sleepover. She had 8 of her friends over! WOW! I had forgotten how 'excited' little girls get when they are all together. They all arrived around 5:00 and the craziness began. The girls had pizza, decorated their own purse cakes, did each others makeup and hair, played with Keaton's dart guns, did a lot of screaming, had some popcorn, watched a movie and played charades. They had a great time, I was exhausted! During the movie I sat down for about 5 minutes and almost feel asleep. At 9:30, they were all gone and Tatum was pleased with the party.

Weston has become even more proficient in his mobility. He is now crawling faster than the cat can move and pulling up on EVERYTHING! He went to the doctor last week for his 6 month check up (I know alittle late). He was 28 inches (80%) and 17.8 lbs (40%). I don't know what to think about that. I am use to having the children that are in the 90-95%. I guess Weston will be long and lean.

Keaton started school back with a bang. He is really enjoying getting back in the groove of things and spending time with his friends. He has started Stay N Play at school...he gets to stay an extra hour after school to have some 'fun' time with his friends. He loves Stay N Play.

For those that don't know, my dad has his leg amputated several weeks ago. He got his prosthesis about 2 weeks ago which we were all really excited about. When I told the kids about it his new leg, they wanted to know what it looked like. They asked me whose leg it was and where did they get it from. Come to find out they thought that the doctors cut off someone else's leg and gave it to Pa! Wow, wouldn't that be a sight. I guess since dad has someone else's heart, why not someone else's leg. We went to see dad at the rehab facility and Tatum and Keaton got to see his new leg to verify that it was not a 'real' leg, but metal and plastic. They were both relieved.

1 comment:

mindymoe said...

that party sounded like i see that in my near future. belle is already talking about all the kids from school coming to her birthday party this summer so that'll be an adventure i'm sure. so glad i found your blog. your kiddos have grown so much. beautiful family!!