Thursday, February 19, 2009

Reading love

The kids had their second soccer practice this evening. It is always interesting watching 10 kids ranging in age from 4-6 trying to play an organized game. Tatum and Keaton both have their first soccer game this Saturday. I hope the weather cooperates and gives us sunshine and warm weather.

Weston has been sleeping through the night!! I owe that to my awesome, patient husband who can stand to listen to the screaming and still calmly go lay him down and pat him. Jarrek only had to do that one night and Weston caught on. He now wakes up maybe once, but will go right back to sleep when you pat him. It is nice to get a long good nights sleep.
Every time I go to his room in the night, or have to hold him while eating dinner, or listen to him screaming cause he wants to play with the dishwasher, I think...I was pregnant when Tatum was his age!

Tatum has been having some trouble with her reading...not that she cant, she doesn't think she can. I emailed her teacher to talk about it and she has seen the same things. So, I had a talk with Tatum about how she was a better reader than she was showing me and her teacher had the same talk with Tatum. The very next day her teacher re-assed her to see what level Tatum was REALLY on. Tatum was so proud to tell us that she is now a D+ Reader, which means she is reading on beginning First grade level. We are so excited for her and glad to see she got her excitement for reading back.

Keaton is like a little sponge...soaking up everything his teachers are teaching. He still throws out his bits of random info.: "did you know the moon is extremely cold?", "there are some metals that are magnetical and some metals are not magnetical.", "brush up, brush down, brush all around, that's the way to brush your teeth." I am learning so much from him
Today, mom and dad came into town so we went out to eat with them. Keaton announced at the table: "My girlfriend knows how to tie her shoes. Well, she didn't know she new, but then she tried and then she knew she knew how to tie."

1 comment:

kaylynrenee said...

Pat on your backs for making it through that dreadful sleep-thru-the-night training with Weston! I remember Jackson's well, and I'm NOT excited about having to do it again SOON with this next one. What were we THINKING?! :0)