Thursday, February 26, 2009

Things and stuff

I am such a slacker. Everyday I tell myself...Write something on the blog. Then something else distracts me.

Well, the kids had their first soccer games last weekend. It started out great then came the rain. Keaton's game was pretty much played in the rain and it was cold rain. By the time Tatum's game started the rain had stopped, but it was like 10 degrees colder! Only one other player showed up on her team. They were good sports and ran their little tooshies off.

On Monday nights I take a sewing class through the city's extra education. It is really fun (i know...dorky). Last week we made a little tissue holder for travel Kleenex. We also started on a pillow case. Next week is the last week and we are going to learn how to read a pattern and cut out the material for it. I am planning on making a dress for Tatum. Once it is complete, I will post pictures.

Weston is getting another tooth. This makes TWO little snaggle-teeth. He is learning so much everyday. Weston now waves bye-bye. It is so cute, he cocks his head to one side, sticks his hand way up in the air and waves with his little fingers. His new favorite song is "the wheels on the bus". Tatum and Keaton have added many new verses to the song to help keep their little brother entertained. We drove to Brenham not that long ago and to calm Weston down, Tatum, Keaton and I sang that song for about half and hour. It got pretty creative!

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