Monday, June 29, 2009

Cold Turkey

Jarrek and I decided that Weston should go 'cold turkey' with his bottles. He has only really gotten 2-3 bottles a day for about a month now. Some days he would only have 1, so we thought "this will be easy". WRONG. He must have know the day was coming when I threw the formula can away and didn't bring out a new one. This morning he woke up crying for his 'nigh-nigh' or bottle in Weston-talk. He pulled me until I followed him to the kitchen and he pointed to the drawer that contains his bottles and when I said "no nigh-nigh", he pulled me to his diaper bag. I finally got him calmed down and he drank his milk and ate breakfast. We then went to Target to get a few things. I went down the sippy cup aisle to get him some new cups and on the end were some cans of formula. He knew exactly what those were and tried to put them in the basket saying 'nigh-nigh' the whole time. Weston is now in his crib for his morning nap and crying for his 'nigh-nigh'. It breaks my heart, but I know it must be done.
For clarification...We never gave him milk in his bottles only formula so there are many things that make him think of his beloved 'nigh-nigh'...nipples, bottles, liners, formula cans, the little travel formula sectioned thingy, his diaper bag. When he sees them he calls out to his 'nigh-nigh' waiting for it to come to him.
I just went to calm him down in his crib. When I walked in his little hands reached out for his bottle and when I didn't hand one to him, he just broke down. He looked so disappointed, but finally fell asleep.
Cold Turkey SUCKS!

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