Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Hello Summer

So, there were no real camping crazies. Tatum was sick the whole time with a strange virus. It was so sad to see her just sitting there and not really getting to enjoy the camping. We were suppose to have a fish fry with fish the guys caught...they ended up catching most of their fish at Brookshire Brothers. The kids had a great time just hanging out and playing.

We have started our summer off with a bang! The first two weeks the kids had swim lessons here at the house. They did great. Tatum can now do the freestyle, breast stroke, back stroke and side stroke. She can also tread water for 1 1/2 minutes and float on her back for god knows how long. She is unstoppable in the pool! Keaton also did really well. He can do the freestyle, breast stroke and back stroke. He can also tread water for 1 minute and float on his back until you make him laugh. It was kinda sad to look out and see my little babies swimming like pros.
Weston also LOVES the water. Every time we go swimming he just wants to put his head in and go. He will soon be a little fish like is big sis and big bro.

Keaton started a Kinder Prep program with CSISD on June 1. He loves going to his 'Summer Kindergarten'. It helps that Tatum's Kinder teacher and one other teacher from Tatum's school are teaching the class. Keaton adores Tatum's Kinder teacher. He seems to be really learning alot and hopefully he will be ready for Kindergarten in August. I cant believe that I will have 2 kids in school. Man, time sure does fly.

Weston had is first birthday on May 30 and since then has been getting into everything! He started walking a few weeks ago and now I can hardly keep up with him. He loves to follow his sis and bro everywhere they go and try to do everything they do. Here are a few things I have learned since he started walking:
* Markers taste good
* Crayons taste good
* Paper tastes good
* It's fun to climb up on things and even more fun when you don't know how to get down
* Everyone else food/drink is better than your own
* Cat food tastes good

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