Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Hello World!

I am making a great effort to keep up this blog! I took a moment to look back on my old post and loved that I wrote down all those wonderful things the kids said and did.

It has been a LONG time since the last post so here is a quick update...
Tatum is now 8.5 going on 13. She is still a dancer and singer and will do either (or both) where ever we are. For instance, we went to a Bombers game last night and the song "Centerfield" came on. Tatum did an impromptu tap/jazz dance to the song right there in the bleachers. It was pretty good and just amazed Jarrek and I.

Keaton is 7 and finally lost his first tooth, which has been a worry of his for about a year now. He loves baseball and is a great big brother. He is always teaching Weston something 'boyish'. The other day Keaton was showing Weston how to throw a baseball and Weston was soaking up all the big brother knowledge. Their new favorite thing to do is play Beyblades which are metal spinning tops that you battle with. Sounds simple, but is it very addicting...speaking from experience. ;-)

Weston is now 3! WOW, just writing that down makes me kinda sad. He is definitely not the baby anymore and will tell you if you mistakenly call him 'the baby'. He is loving spending time this summer with Tatum and Keaton. He loves dressing up as a cowboy or baseball player or both if he can't make up his mind.

Stay tuned for our adventures!!

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