Sunday, September 28, 2008

Boobie trap

Today was kids Sunday at church so all the kids watched a puppet show during Sunday School. I asked Tatum and Keaton how the show as and their response was "AWESOME"! I asked for more details....
Mom: What was the show about?
Tatum: Oh just Bible stuff.
Keaton: Yeah
Mom: So, it was cool?
Tatum: Yeah, there were like 2 or 5 characters.
Keaton: Yeah
Tatum: She didnt even move her lips!
Keaton: Yeah. I drew you some pictures

Not to revealing. I am sure there was a story and a Bible lesson in there, but apparently my kids didnt get it.

My Little 'Engineers'

Tatum and Keaton were playing in Tatum's room and it was pretty quiet so I thought I would go check on them. Quiet usually equals destruction. That was partial true this time. They had made a "boobie trap" for the exterior door and were working on the other door. This boobie trap was basically anything that was movable in her room relocated and strategical stacked in front of the door so that if a bad guy tired to get in it would fall on them (their description). They could tell you why they choose the items they did and what would happen if each was moved. I hope they put their boobie trapping/engineering skills to good use in the future. I am scared that Weston might get suckered into being the bad guy so they can actually see their masterpieces in work.

We are starting a new chore chart system tomorrow. They both seemed very excited at the prospect of receiving 'treats' for completing their chores. We will see how long that last. Prayers that we can all keep up with it and that we all benefit from it.

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