Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Halloween shopping

Today we took the kids to get their Halloween costumes. Jarrek and I tried our hardest to get them to choose the unconventional costumes...skeleton rocker girl, mysterious phantom etc. We let them try on all the scary and silly masks, showed them all the cool costumes and picked out several cool and unusual costumes. Sadly we came home with the two most commercialized costumes in existence...Hannah Montana and a Power Ranger. I wonder what their reactions will be on Halloween night when they see billions of Hannahs and Power Rangers?

Tatum has already started practicing her songs so she can truly become Hannah Montana for one night. Keaton has perfected the Power Ranger moves and is constantly looking for bad guys to try them on. Weston wanted nothing to do with the whole Halloween costume thing. We tired one costume on him and he screamed at the top of his lungs...I guess he will be going as a baby.

Show and Tell
Tomorrow Keaton has show and tell at his school. I always love to hear what he would like to take...tonight it was 'rain'. He also informed me that one of his friends brought their eyeball for show and tell. The minds of 4 year olds...silly, silly.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi sweet cousin! Momma gave me your blog link!! Mine is kmyrick.blogspot.com
I love you!!