So the triplets now all have names...Wyatt Alan, Celia Mae, Annalee Cora. Tatum and Keaton are super excited to get to meet their new cousins. Weston has already started 'acting' out, knowing he is no longer the baby in the family.
Tatum found a little notebook of mine that I dont use anymore and converted it into her secret notepad. Every time I look at her she is writing something in it and wont share. I might have to sneak in and read it while she is sleeping. At dance tonight while all the other girls were changing shoes, getting water and using the restroom Tatum was writing in on her note pad. Maybe she's working on new lyrics for her songs.
She is doing so good at dance and really loves her dance teachers. It is harder work than she expected. When she gets home she tells me her legs hurt from all the work.
We usually take Jarrek's Vette home from dance (he meets us there after school and takes the boys home). As we were leaving today, we had a little audience watching to see whose car it was. When we got in the car, Tatum asked why all those people were staring at her. Sadly I had to tell her they were staring at the car not her. She then told me "we are not taking daddy's car anymore to dance, I dont like all those people staring at my car". Watch out daddy, she has already laid claim to the Vette.
Keaton took his Power Ranger mask for show and tell today and was convinced that when he put it on, the other kids wouldn't know it was him .
Weston is now teething so his fingers have become his best friend. He is constantly sucking on his fingers and then wiping his slobbery hands on Tatum or Keaton.
Tatum and Keaton had soccer practice today. Wow, a bunch of 4-6 year olds running around kicking balls. I asked Keaton if he was excited about his first game on Saturday. His response...Oh yeah, I'm gonna make a bunch of goals. He then started complaining that someone took his ball so I told him at the game there would only be one ball to play with. He didnt like was he going to make his goals if someone kept trying to take his ball. We'll see how that goes on Saturday.
Keaton got to watch Stars Wars: Revenge of the Sith. He is obsessed with Darth Vader and keep constantly asking when was Darth Vader coming. I dont really think he even watched the movie until Darth Vader showed up.
On Friday's Keaton doesnt have school so we have to keep him entertained all day...not an easy task. Jarrek took him to the mall to get somethings from the Aggie store and then to get new shoes. He only wanted the 'air' shoes or shoes that make him jump high.
Tatum was the queen of the day today! We have been waiting for this day 'all year'. The king was a little boy in her class, Thomas. Mom asked her about him and her response was "he's a fat little boy". What? She also told me she was so proud of him (Thomas) cause he wrote his name all by himself today and she said it with such joy.
Weston has become extremely vocal. He 'yells' at the fan, squeals at the kids, and talks to his toy elephant. He is really starting to show his personality.
Jarrek and I went to David Gardner's tonight for JL Charity Ball preview party. SO much fun! I got to try on pretty expensive, jewelry.
Whew! I will remember to write every night. See I told you my memory is going ;-(
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