Tuesday, November 4, 2008


At Tatum's school they have been talking about the election and even held a mock-election. She would come home from school and tell us that we were going to be voting for the President and it was very important. As she left for school this morning, she marched out the door chanting, "McCain for President, McCain for President."

This evening as we were watching the voting results, she very sadly said, "Well, it looks like Bearik Obama is going to win" and then sighed. (Yes I know how to spell his name, that is what she called him). I put her to bed and again she said, "Mom, it looks like Obama's gonna win the President." I told her we would know for sure when she got up in the morning and a little light of hope sparked in her eyes!

As we were watching the results, Keaton was sitting on my lap. He kept saying, "George Bush, George Bush." He's a little late for that one!

Weston has started pushing up on his hands and knees! It was exciting, but also a little scary. Tatum and Keaton aren't ready for a crawler yet. Weston does roll around the living room, but doesn't move very fast.

The Weekend

This past Sunday we went to Houston to see the triplets...Celia, Annalee and Wyatt. Tatum and Keaton were very excited to meet them all and hold their cousins. It's amazing how quickly babies grow. Annalee now weighs 7 lbs. 1 oz (what Weston weighed when he was born), Celia weighs 8 lbs. 13 oz (Keaton weighed 8 lbs. 13.5 oz when he was born) and Wyatt weighs 8 lbs. 5 oz. When I held them, it was so hard to remember my kids being so tiny, but they were. I can't wait until Christmas when Weston is 7 months old and they are 3 months old. Oh, what about next Christmas when Weston is 18 months old and the triplets are 15 months old! Oh, boy that is going to be FUN.

1 comment:

Steven and Adrienne said...

What a cute picture of the cousins! I can not believe how fast the triplets are growing!