Monday, November 10, 2008

Snackin' on the Mayflower

On Sunday, Keaton and I went to Kroger to get a few things. He was very worried when he saw that all the trees had nets on them and that the birds could not get to the tree to eat. I showed him that there were other trees near by that the birds could get to. Relived he began pointing out all the 'free' trees that the birds could use. As we pulled on to the feeder headed home he looked out the window and exclaimed, "Look at all the free trees! The birds can eat from those. And when all the trees are used up in this state and in Africa, the birds can come to College Station to use our trees. WE got a lot of them." So let the birds know!

They are talking about Thanksgiving at Keaton's school and when I picked him up he told me all about the Mayflower and how the people sailed a long way. To show me how far they sailed he held up his hands and spread them really far apart..."They sailed like this long mom!" He then asked if he could eat the Mayflower for snack when we got home. I'm not real sure how well he was paying attention.

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