Friday, October 10, 2008

Boys will be boys

Fridays are always intersting. Keaton doesnt have school so he is at home ALL day with only grownups and baby Weston to keep him entertained. Well, this morning I had to fold clothes and Keaton very excitedly asked if he could help. Of course, any help with laundry is welcomed! I brought the basket of clothes to be folded to the living room and he immediatly started digging through them. I asked what he was looking for and he said "i like to fold daddy's underwear". There were no 'daddy's underwear' in this load so my helper was gone and I was left to fold clothes by myself...waaa.

Keaton was bored now and wanted to play cops and pirates. I was chatting on line with a friend of mine and told him when I was done we would play. He ran over to the frig and got our timer and said "i'm going to set the time, when it goes off, the computer goes away and you play cops with it". I wonder where he heard that? His next statment..."how do I work this thing?" I couldn't help but laugh and then set the timer for myself. So we played cops and pirates for awhile, but I got tired of shooting imaginary bad guys. So Keaton was left to entertain himself, again. What boys find to do have fun. He is found our spray bottle used for ironing and went outside to play with the water. I can only guess he is spraying imaginary monsters.

We all (Keaton, Weston and me) went to pick up Tatum from school which always intersting. If you want to see something funny, come watch us all on the golf cart coming home from school.

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