Thursday, October 30, 2008

Trunk or treat or is it trick or treat

Today at Keaton's school they had Trunk or treat and no that is not a typo. They line up cars in the parking lot and they decorate their trunks and fill them with candy. He was so excited to get to show his friends his Power Ranger costume. I was very surprised to not see any other Power Rangers. I was sure there was going to be an army of them. Anyway, Keaton was so excited to get his first candy of Halloween. He was even more excited about the rather large bouncy ball he got at one of the trunks. When Tatum got home he told her all about his Trunk or Treating. Tatum kept correcting him..."It's Trick or Treat". Keaton kindly restated "Trunk or Treat" and went on with his story. Finally Tatum asked why he kept saying Trunk or Treat and I explained the situation and all she said was "OHHH".

Jarrek went up to Tatum's school today to help them carve pumpkins in her class. She was so excited when they got home cause their groups was "the bestest" looking pumpkin. They also got to help scrape out the goop from inside which was really exciting.

After school we went to our church's little pumpkin patch to take pictures. Earlier in the week I made the mistake of teaching Keaton the old Trick or Treat song..."Trick or Treat, smell my feet. Give me something good to eat. If you dont, I dont care. I'll pull down your underwear." I really didnt think he would remember it...I was wrong. Tatum and Keaton sang it all the way to church and all the way to soccer practice. We had to explain why that was not nice to say to people. I dont think they really got it. The funny part is Keaton kept saying "I'll pull down my underwear." No matter how many times Tatum corrected him, he just kept saying it. He thought it was really funny. So, we got our pictures and got our pumpkins ( the two previous pumpkins we carved rotted into piles of mush on the porch). Keaton found a little tiny pumpkin and would not leave with out cost a whopping 50 cents.

After soccer practice we 'carved' the pumpkins. Actually they poked them with these little pegs...kinda like a Light Bright. I'll post pictures after tomorrow night after we lite them up.

1 comment:

kaylynrenee said...

Amy, I just love your blog! The kids crack me up. You do an amazing job telling their stories. Seriously, I laugh out loud at least once during every post. I want to comment every day but all I can think of to say is "hahahahaha" so I refrain :0).

Happy Halloween to the Hartsells!