Saturday, October 4, 2008

Soccer mania!

Saturday = Soccer mania...Keaton @ 9, Tatum @ 11. If you remember my post from last Saturday, you may be wondering if Keaton's team has improved. The answer is a big YES! This morning they were actually dribbling the ball and running to get it from the other team. I actually think we might have won...tsk, tsk...we dont keep score as to not hurt any feelings. Keaton did great and scored several goals, one of which was in the other teams goal. All the parents were very excited and impressed that there was movement on the field this time. The kids were also excited that they actually were playing soccer!

Tatum's team did great as well. Their opponents looked like giants compared to them, but Green Lighting kept up and scored a few goals. Tatum played like a pro, throwing in some sneaky little feet maneuvers. We tell her she has sneaky feet, because she works them in their and usually gets the ball away from the other player.

MeMe and Bomo came today to watch both kids play and were amazed at how aggressive Keaton and Tatum were on the soccer field.

Our neighborhood has a Fall festival every year. The kids get to ride ponies, get their faces painted and play games for candy. We ventured down to the park toady for some fall fun! At the petting zoo they had a huge turtle. The kids and I were fascinated by the turtle.

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