Thursday, October 23, 2008

Michael and Sara

Thie morning we all bundled up to take Tatum to school. Weston in his pjs, jacket and hat. Keaton in his sweatpants, jacket and crocs. Tatum in her soccer jersey, leggings and jacket. I tried to tell Keaton that his toes were going to get cold, but he's 4 and he knows best. Well, half way to school Keaton was holding his feet and complaining that his toes were cold and why did I let him wear his crocs. I guess he has to learn the hard way.
Weston's little hands were so cold and I asked Keaton what we could do to keep his hands warm. The solution was...Socks. So, tomorrow morning Keaton is going to put socks on Weston's hands.

The kids got to use their chore money today to buy what they wanted. I dread taking them to the store and letting them buy something but putting a price limit. Tatum had $9 and Keaton had $7 to spend...this brought up an argument as to why Tatum had more than Keaton. I had to remind him that every time he said, "I'll do my chores tomorrow", he didn't get a token. Hopefully he will remember that tomorrow. Anyway, we went to Target because they have the dollar section and Tatum said she could get more things with her money if we went to the dollar section. Tatum chose a journal and pens right away. Keaton opted to save all his money for the 'real' toys. We headed to the toy section and the 'testing' began. Tatum had to look at all the little dolls and their accessories. She finally decided on a Little Bratz doll which she was extremely surprised I allowed her to get. Now, it was Keaton's turn. We moved on to the boy toys and he just about when crazy. Every toy that had a button he had to push it. He looked at EVERY toy with hope in his eyes. I would tell him they were too expensive and he would say "I know, I'm just looking." This went on for about 30 minutes. He finally got a truck with a trailer and four wheeler. They couldn't wait to play with their toys and started opening them in the car...but you know how toys are these days you need an engineering degree to open them. Once they were open they played like they had never had a new toy before. Keaton named his four-wheeler Michael and Tatum named her Bratz Sara. Keaton was playing with his four-wheeler like it was a real person, calling it by name, asking it questions.

It was time for showers and since it's just me and the kids, we all got in the shower. I quickly bathed Tatum and Keaton while Weston sat in his Bumbo sucking his toes. While I was bathing Weston, the kids were getting dressed. They both came running into the bath with looks of panic on their faces. Someone rang the doorbell and they swore it was a bad guy trying to get in. I don't think bad guys ring doorbells. Tatum reasoned that it must have been a delivery. She just kept saying, "Yeah, it was a package. It must have been a late delivery." She was right.

Weston, Tatum, Keaton, Micheal and Sara all went to bed after reading books and are sleeping soundly.

1 comment:

donna said...

OK..your posts just crack me up. : )
I think Tatum and Keaton have the greatest imaginations! You are a GREAT mom! Hope you don't mind, but I've linked your blog to mine.
Keep those stories comin'!