Sunday, October 12, 2008

"I want dead fish"

Today was a very lazy day. We all slept in, even Weston. The kids felt kinda yucky this morning so we all just kinda lied around. I love to see how Tatum and Keaton interact with each other. Sometime I think they are buds one minute then mortal enemies the next! Tatum will hurt herself and Keaton will go out of his way to make her feel better, next thing I know Tatum is crying cause Keaton hit her. I think I will try to ignore the fighting times...I might need some help from a 'friend'...Zoloft, Prozac! ;-)

As we were contemplating what to eat for dinner (or where to go for dinner), we asked the kids what they wanted. Tatum wanted fish, Keaton didn't want anything. So, Jarrek and I decided to go to Fish Daddy's. Keaton was asked again what he would want to eat, his response..."Dead ploctomopus and dead naked shrimp". Translation: fried calamari and grilled shrimp. For some reason whenever you ask Keaton what he wants to eat it is almost always "dead" something. He has never been forced to eat anything that is alive so I am not sure where he gets the making sure it's dead thing. It sure does get strange looks when he asked for it at a restaurant!

Weston has gotten very interested in whatever we are eating or drinking. He reaches out his hands trying to grasp what I have. At the restaurant, he was very upset that he had to sit in his carrier. I guess we are moving to a highchair now. I took him out and he sat in my lap grabbing at my food and glass of water. He loves to drink water from a straw and apparently he also loves baked potato!

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