Saturday, October 25, 2008

Gorilla hands

Today (Saturday) was the Fall Festival at Tatum's school. The kids go to play games, make crafts and see their friends. Tatum played a game where they tie a donut to a string and hang it from a pole. The object is to eat as much of the donut as you can without using your hands...we have great photos!

Keaton wanted to make sand art and was very excited. Then we found out it wasn't sand, but colored sugar. Oh my goodness, their eyes just about popped out their heads and they 'just had' to make one. So, now we have two plastic bottles filled with pure sugar. I think I might 'spill' them tonight while they are sleeping ;-)

After the festival we went to Huntsville for a little Halloween party at a friend of Bomo's house. The kids got to wear their costumes and had a great time. They decorated pumpkins, sprayed silly string for the first time, roast hot dogs and marshmallows and played in the dark with glow bracelets. Weston discovered how amazing glow bracelets look when you wave them in the air and I discovered how painful it is to get whacked in the face with one. Each kid got a Halloween treat basket to take home. On the ride home Keaton examined every item in his basket asking questions to clarify what each item was and if it was real or not. There was a small bat toy and he wanted to know if there were really bats and if they came out at night. He also was worried that one of them would fly into his window. There was also a pair of plastic gloves that look like gorilla hands. He wanted to wear them all night and this morning (Sunday) he wanted to wear them to church. We opted to take the small plastic rat instead.

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