Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Soccer stars

Last night the kids had soccer practice with the A&M Soccer team. The host a clinic every year for the local soccer kids. It was great! The players do drills and play games with the kids to help them learn soccer skills. When they are done, the hand out autographs and free tickets to a game. You would have thought the A&M players were the biggest stars in the world! Tatum very patiently waited to get all their signatures. Keaton just did his little smile. He only had the endurance to get one or two girls to sign his paper. Tatum was so excited to see 'real' soccer players and they were girls!

When we got home Jarrek and Keaton took a shower while Tatum and I had talked about school. They are learning about community helpers. She has a very broad view of what a community helper is.
Tatum: Did you know that there are a lot of community helpers?
Mom: Like what?
Tatum: Football players.
Mom: How do they help our community?
Tatum: They make lots of money so if you need some they can give you some. Also, people have to pay to go see them so they get more money and people have to work to help the people that come see them
Mom: Ok. Tell me about some other community helpers.
Tatum: Well, there's nurses that help you deal with it if you get cancer. They talk to you about it and make you feel better. Docotors do the same thing as nurses but are called doctors. They also tell you how you are growing and if you have cancer. Chefs make you food. Without them we couldn't eat and would probably get cancer and die. Teachers teach all those people how to do their job.
Mom: Wow you learned alot about community helpers.
Tatum: Yeah, I listen to my teacher better than the other kids

I am not real sure where are the cancer talk came from. I think it was when they had Childhood Cancer prevention day at school.

I think she sees herself as a little teacher in class. She tells me all the time how she helps this one little boy remember what kind of choices he is suppose to be making during center time. She tells me when I pick her how proud she is of him if he makes good choices. So, yesterday I asked her what this little boy looked like. Her response..."well, he has black hair, black eyes, he is littler than me and his skin is brown. I don't know why the call him black, he's not, he is brown. Maybe they should call him brown. I call him by his name."

1 comment:

Kara said...

OK, so I have effectively spent the morning reading your blog and I LOVE IT!!! The funny thing is, I can picture so much of this, so it makes it funnier!

Maybe I should start one...