Monday, October 20, 2008

The Mondays and prunes

It's Monday. I assume other people's Monday's are like ours...fighting to get out of bed, arguing over what's for breakfast, arguing over what to take for lunch, arguing over what to wear, crying about going to school, then laughing when you get there. I think that just about covers it. Even the baby gets the Mondays.

Today at school Keaton got upset cause he wanted to play with one of his friends, Molly, but she decided to play with another little girl. Keaton wanted Molly to play Power Rangers. I tried to explain to him that sometimes little girls like to play girl things with other little girls. He said, "but I like to play with the girls". Nice! He did play with the other little girl and they played dogs. He told me they picked up sticks and were pretending to eat them like dog treats and one of the sticks got stuck in his finger. He then proceeded to show me the tiniest little bo-bo you have ever seen..."look mom, you see it, that little hole"

There is a little boy that comes with his mom to pick up his sister that Keaton has dubbed 'my friend'. Everyday when we go to get Tatum, Keaton waits to play with is friend. They play cars, motorcycles, or just play with sticks. The little boy chases us as we leave, yelling after 'Kenon' (that is what he calls Keaton) bye, bye, bye. Keaton yells back until we can't see him anymore. It is quiet funny and slightly annoying.

Tatum has taken on the role of 'class mom'. She tells me how she helps kids make good choices, how she helps kids feel better. Today we were talking about her day and she told me about how Isaac was making fun of Mason. Tatum stepped in to handle the situation...she asked Isaac to stop teasing Mason and that it didn't make Mason feel good. She said that she took care of Mason....when he feels bad, or when he is upset. She told me, "if we cant be nice to each other and work to be a class family, how are we suppose to be happy."
At rest time, Tatum was reading a book, 'Hop on Pop'. She was so excited because she was actually reading it! I could hear her in her room, sounding out the words and getting so excited. She brought the book out to me and read it to me. I was so proud of her for working so hard.

I usually try to get the kids to rest after I pick Tatum up from school, but today I wasn't feeling well so I didn't try real hard. About 4 I was tired and needed them to rest in their rooms. Most of the time they just go in their rooms and play quietly or lay down and look at books. Today, Keaton feel asleep and stayed asleep until 7:30! I woke him up after dinner and he went and laid on the couch and went right back to sleep. He finally woke up, ate dinner and tired to go back to bed. Right now it is 10:15 and he is still awake in our bed.

Weston ate prunes for the first time today. He has gotten in a bad habit of sucking on his hands, so every time he takes a bite of food he sticks his hand in his mouth. So today, while he was eating his prunes he looked like he had smeared poop all over his face. Keaton saw and said "Oh gross, what did he eat?" Weston thought it was so funny to rub his food all over his face!

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