Tuesday, October 21, 2008


I went and got a color and cut today. I have been mistaken for someone else (the same person) one too many times!

This week is Red Ribbon week at Tatum's school and everyday they have a different theme of clothing to wear. Today was Pajama day. Tatum was very excited to wear her Hannah Montana PJs. On the way to school she asked why they call them pajamas. Does anyone know?

Jarrek and I got a new camera today. Merry Christmas to us! We got a Digital SLR and have spent much of the day taking trial and error pictures. Wow, there are a lot of buttons and doo-hickeys on that camera! The manual is like a mini novel. We will have to post some of the pictures...I keep saying that and need to just do it.

Weston tried Sweet Peas today. By the look on his face, they were not very sweet. He doesn't really like baby food. I think he would much rather eat what we are eating. When he is sitting with us and we are eating he opens his mouth like a little bird and leans in 'begging' for your food. He loves to drink water from a straw...dropped into his mouth like a bird. He is growing so fast and learning something new everyday.

Tomorrow is picture day at Keaton's school. He has decided he wants to grow his hair out. I don't know how long he is willing to go, but he hates to get his hair cut so it might get pretty long. Jarrek trimmed it up this evening so he wouldn't look like a homeless child for his pictures. You would have thought Jarrek was trying to cut his head off. Every time the scissors got near his hair he winced and pulled away. He told Jarrek that it hurt his hair to cut it. Since when does hair have feelings? Jarrek finally got it trimmed so it looks half way decent.
When I asked him what he wanted to wear for his pictures he told me 'a handsome shirt'. Translation...a shirt with buttons and a collar that hangs in the closet. Oh, and you cant forget the boots. You only wear handsome shirts with boots.

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